Alison Dvorak, MS, RDN, CDN
Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Alison Dvorak, MS, RDN, CDN, is an Adjunct Clinical Instructor for the Department of Allied Health Sciences, University of Connecticut. Ms. Dvorak is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Nutritionist with undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Dietetics and a Master of Science in Nutrition Science from Syracuse University. She has worked in many environments, including Walt Disney World, Corrections facilities, hospitals, long-term care, and event facility management but the significant focus of her career has been working with older adults and she shares this enthusiasm for this population with the students. Her current position as the Executive Director of Senior Resources Agency on Aging includes development and management of an array of state, federal and private programs which impact aging, including the Senior Nutrition Program, Medicare, Elder Justice, Evidence Based Health Programs, Caregiver Support, Community Leadership and Advocacy. She serves on several Boards, Commissions, and Collaboratives including the Connecticut Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND) and the Coalition for Elder Justice Connecticut (CEJC). Beyond UConn and Senior Resources, she is a Medicare Provider for Medical Nutrition Therapy, a Consultant Dietitian, a Food Safety Instructor for the National Restaurant Association and an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with a Volunteer Fire Department. She enjoys gardening, cooking, skiing, hiking and restoring historic properties.

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